Sunday, October 21

Sorcery On Ice

I suck at ice skating. A trip to the rink for me is spending an hour stuck on the side, trying to get my balance. I just can't do it.

And I found out that there's something worse than falling and banging your head, and that's getting stuck on the other side of the rink when there's a call to clear the ice. Everybody will be waiting for you, staring strangely while crawl slowly and awkwardly around the side. Then the employees come and help, which makes it even more awkward as they drag you like a sack o' potatoes across the ice.

Oh well, I'll just take pictures then :)

Note: I overused filters because the lighting was terrible. And because I used a camera phone, not a DSLR. Gimme a break, I had to make the pictures nice somehow.

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