Tuesday, October 9

Dead horses with huge mustaches

I don't get my ESL class. Everyone is so quiet; when the lecturer asks a question you can hear a tap dripping from a leaky public toilet in China. And whenever I even TRY to lighten the mood, everyone just stares blankly at me.

Not much unlike this really

It's like learning in class of dead horses. I thought studying in America would be more fun than this. To be fair, ESL is a class full of Asians. And two Puerto Ricans. And a Greek.

There's an Arab guy who didn't come to class today. I don't snitch, but when the lecturer asked why the attendance was so low, I just had to bring him up as I hadn't seem him in ages.

By the way, he has a huge ass mustache.

You get the point

Firstly, I didn't know that guy was Arab. I thought he was Pakistani. Secondly, I thought everyone found his 'tache amusing. So, smart as an ass, I said:

"Where's that big Pakistani with the huge-ass mustache?"

Now, in a wonderfully racist country like Malaysia, that would have been funny. 

But in the wonderful class of ESL 015, everyone just looked at me with faces that cried: You bloody racist. 


And the Arab guy next to me looked pissed.

Oh, NOW I see the elephant in the room.

I hate racism as much as the next guy, but if we don't learn to make fun of ourselves and each other, we aren't going to get anywhere with solving the racism problem. Which is why I like people like Russell Peters so much. He may seem like a racist idiot, but he's really a genius.

Oh well. I've got better things to think about. Like getting a job to pay for my overspending on music. 

Bloody iTunes.

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