Tuesday, December 4


I miss dawn in Malaysia.

Especially in kampung where I would wake up for Subuh (Morning prayer) and everything would be dark and cool. But it was never quiet, there were always the sounds of crickets and toads playing the morning symphony and footsteps shuffling around on wooden floorboards. If grandma was up she'd be making breakfast in the kitchen while the adults would be making trademark teh tarik in plastic flasks. Bubbles the cat would also be up at this time too, lying on the cool concrete kitchen floor. She's there waiting for food as usual.

An image of a village mosque in Malaysia. I don't own this image. 

I would take wudu' with freezing cold water, but it feels good so no hurry in wiping it off. I need every help in keeping awake anyway; all I would think about is sleep and the comfort of the couch in front of the TV where'd I'd normally sleep. I used to sleep with my parents in the room, but because I'm all grown up I get to choose where to sleep. But I didn't sleep there because of the TV. I wanted the big fan that was nice - if you had a blanket to keep warm.

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah

Sometimes after salam I'd sit there and stare outside through the cracks in the shutters. Not I could really see anything, it was really dark. But if I looked carefully I could see the silhouette of the coconut trees dancing in the breeze.

After prayer I would drift back to sleep, not knowing that I would one day miss this routine.

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