Monday, November 26

Next Stop: Happiness


I admit it - I'm a sucker for a good animation.

Especially when it has a great story like Wreck-it-Ralph.

I won't spoil it for those who haven't seen it before, but I'l just say that the plot has so many twist and turns that it kept me hooked until the end.

I was especially hooked on the theme - Happiness

Happiness is a part of human life, an emotion that comes and goes like all emotions do. Even in the worst situations, our minds have a backup system that allows us to feel happiness after a while. If you don't believe me, watch the documentary "Happy" (It's on Netflix). Believe me, it's worth your time.

There are other facts too, like how money does not necessarily equal happiness, and how we feel the most happy when we are loved. I could go on and on, but do yourself (and me) a favor by watching the documentary..

But there is something else about happiness that eludes me.

You see, I've been trying to lose weight for a long time, and I admit it's in hope that I'll finally get girls to like me. It's not going that well (I'm still single), but that's not my point.

When I first started, at 160kg, I told myself I'd be happy if I just lost a bit of weight. Then I got to 140kg, but I still wasn't happy. So the next target was 120kg and a size 42 waist. I reached it, and still I wasn't happy at all. Flash forward a couple of months and about 5 targets later, I have now lost enough weight to shape another person out of my lost fat. But am I happy? No. 

I'm telling myself now if I get to 80kg I'll be happy. But I kind of know that I won't.

To tell you the truth, I haven't been truly happy in a long time. I've changed my body, but the emotional stress that comes with losing weight and hoping that my life changes drastically took a toll on my mind. 

A song that always makes me happy. Yes I'm a coldplay fan, deal with it.

Before the weight loss, I was really a jolly chap. Not that I didn't care at all that I was fat, it's just that it didn't really bother me. I didn't have a goal for my happiness, I just embraced it as it came and went. But things change. As I started to target each weight goal as a gateway to happiness, I became blind to the little things in life: that warmth in your heart during prayer, a good song whilst caught in the rain, having fun with friends; that kind of thing,

I used to love the little things. And I took pride in it.

Now all I am is cynical and spiteful; always comparing myself to other people.  That's just not right.

To find happiness, it must be treated as an emotion, not a destination. It'll come and go; when it leaves, don't forget that it'll come back. If you hope that it will come with an achievement and will stick around forever, you'll just be disappointed.

Now I'm not saying that weight loss (or whichever goal) is pointless and bad. It has it's benefits. Just make sure it doesn't take over your life, because noticing and appreciating the little things will bring you the most amount of happiness.

And most importantly; SMILE :)

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